

  • taking meds

All You Need To Know About Self-Medication

Self-medication is a common practice where individuals treat their ailments and conditions without professional medical advice. While this can sometimes offer quick relief and convenience, it also carries significant [...]

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All You Need to Know About Healthy Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships is a cornerstone of a fulfilling life. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or familial bonds, the quality of our relationships significantly impacts [...]

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Tips to Become Emotionally Responsible

Emotional responsibility is crucial to personal growth and healthy relationships. It means acknowledging, understanding, and managing one's emotions effectively. This blog post will explore practical tips to help you [...]

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What Are Mommy’s Issues?

Certain concepts and issues in human psychology change, reflecting evolving societal norms and understanding. "Mommy issues" is one such thread whose origins and implications are complex. In this blog, [...]

  • self-love

Self-Love: What You Should Know?

Self-love, an essential yet often overlooked aspect of personal growth, is the secret ingredient to a happier and healthier life. Embracing self-love can transform your perspective, boost confidence, and [...]

  • relationship ocd

Relationship OCD: How Does OCD Affect Relationships?

Navigating the complexities of a relationship can be challenging, but when obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) enters the equation, it introduces a unique set of considerations. OCD is a mental health [...]

What Is a Rebound Relationship?

The intricacies of romantic relationships often lead us down unexpected paths, and one such path is that of the "rebound relationship." These relationships have a unique dynamic, born from [...]

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The Dangers of Self-Medication: Understanding the Risks

In a world where information is readily accessible, the allure of self-medication is undeniable. From over-the-counter pain relievers to herbal supplements, people are increasingly turning to self-prescribed treatments.  But [...]

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