The start of a new school year is usually exciting and a little scary, but for some kids it can be overwhelming or spur anxiety and changes in behavior. If you’ve noticed changes in your child in the first few weeks of school, there are resources and we can help.

Starting on September 17th, our therapists, Dana Spaulding and Victoria Yeghiayan will be leading a weekly group for parents of children ages 4 to 10 to discuss anxiety and depression symptoms in kids, what to do about school refusal, and tools for behavior management and coping skills. This 6-week class is open to the public, and you or your child do not need to be a current patient at Mind and Body Counselling to attend. The cost is $25 per week, per family.

If you are interested in learning more about this weekly group class from Mind and Body Counseling Associates, call (775) 507-7222.