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- The 5 Love Languages: Understanding and Expressing Love
- Stress Management for Couples: A Valentine’s Day Guide
- Mind-Body Wellness Day Insight
- Depression After the Holidays
- How Can The Holidays Affect Mental Health?
- Coping with Depression and Anxiety During the Holidays
- Exploring MDMA’s Role in PTSD Therapy
- Understanding PTSD
- Why Did the FDA Decline Approval of Lykos’ MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy?
- Mental Health Treatment with Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy
- Back to School Parent Education Groups
- The Future: Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy
- All You Need To Know About Self-Medication
- All You Need to Know About Healthy Relationships
- Polypharmacy: Managing Multiple Medications Safely
Social Anxiety, The Silent Anxiety Disorder
Ever heard of social anxiety? Anxiety, yes. But, social anxiety? Not so much. Yet, Social Anxiety Disorder (a.k.a social phobia) is currently the third biggest mental health issue in [...]
7 Ways to Live More Minimalistically
You would have to have been living under rock to not have heard about the term ‘minimalism’. Minimalism is based on the concept of living with less. It entails [...]
10 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom
Motherhood can be stressful. And, when we allow ourselves to stress more than the healthy amount, our body gets triggered into a fight, flight, or freeze response: Read: 15 [...]
The Shocking Truth Behind ‘Being Busy’
How many people have you spoken to lately that feel overwhelmed with work, parenting, life? Moreover, how many times, over the last few months, have you felt yourself saying, [...]
How to Maintain the Spark in Your Marriage
Those of us who have been married a while (or even those who haven’t) know that the initial “spark” present in the beginning of most relationships tends to fade [...]
15 Ways to Relieve Stress / Anxiety
Did you know that 70% of adults in the US say they feel stress or anxiety daily? Of course you do, because you’re most likely part of that 70% [...]
5 Easy Self-Care Tips & Tricks
1. Self-Care: too many of us neglect this area. It is important to carve out time for self- care. Keep agreements you make with yourself. Try to have at [...]
A Look into One of the Biggest Issues Facing the LGBTQ Community
While we have come a long way in our approach towards the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community, we still have a long way to go! In fact, [...]
How to Set SMART Personal / Business Goals in 2019
The process of setting goals involves deciding what your goals are, how you are going to work towards them, and how to evaluate whether or not you were successful [...]
Top 7 Meditation Apps of 2018
The practice of mindfulness involves clearing your mind and deeply aware of yourself and your environment. There are various ways in which this can be achieved. Popular methods include [...]
8 Parenting Tips to Handle the Christmas Madness
Although this time of year is known for being a special time for families, it can also be challenging, as a parent. Being around extended family often brings with [...]
3 Ways to Reduce Marital Conflict This Festive Season
While it’s been said that Christmas is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, it can also be the most stressful, especially on your marriage. Not only are you [...]
Quick Tips for Proper Body and Mind Nutrition
There is a Greek proverb that says “A sound mind dwells in the sound body”. It goes without saying that in order for you to be successful, i.e.: perform [...]
The Problem With Annoyance in Relationships
Relationships often begin with lots of laughter, smiles, goofing around, and a general sense of lightheartedness. People don't call it the "honeymoon phase" for no reason. We can easily [...]
I Love My Fiance But…Why Am I Repeating Myself?
As scary as this seems, I want to be more personal with these weekly blog posts. And I think the only way to really "reach" our readers is to [...]
Secret Ingredient for Happy Couples
Originally Posted Through Psychology Today We have all met those couples who seem to be as in love as on the day they first met. Sometimes, when they are [...]
Money Matters In Marriage
We know that money can be an awkward thing to talk about, even with your significant other. And while you may think that you can talk to your partner [...]
Subtle Signs of Depression
In light of the recent high profile deaths in the news, we though it would be wise to highlight some subtle signs of depression. If you or someone you [...]
Fighting with Your Partner? Watch This.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This is what John and Julie Gottman call the types of fighting styles associated with bad relationships. If you and your partner fight [...]
Twenty Something? Listen Up!
Clinical Psychologist Meg Jay is our girl. She brings some realness to the age old axiom "30 is the new 20" by encouraging young adults to embrace your twenties [...]
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