

  • Social Anxiety, The Silent Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety, The Silent Anxiety Disorder

Ever heard of social anxiety? Anxiety, yes. But, social anxiety? Not so much. Yet, Social Anxiety Disorder (a.k.a social phobia) is currently the third biggest mental health issue in [...]

  • 7 Ways to Live More Minimalistically

7 Ways to Live More Minimalistically

You would have to have been living under rock to not have heard about the term ‘minimalism’. Minimalism is based on the concept of living with less. It entails [...]

  • 10 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom

10 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom

Motherhood can be stressful. And, when we allow ourselves to stress more than the healthy amount, our body gets triggered into a fight, flight, or freeze response: Read: 15 [...]

  • The Shocking Truth Behind ‘Being Busy’

The Shocking Truth Behind ‘Being Busy’

How many people have you spoken to lately that feel overwhelmed with work, parenting, life? Moreover, how many times, over the last few months, have you felt yourself saying, [...]

  • How to Maintain the Spark in Your Marriage

How to Maintain the Spark in Your Marriage

Those of us who have been married a while (or even those who haven’t) know that the initial “spark” present in the beginning of most relationships tends to fade [...]

  • 15 Ways to Relieve Stress / Anxiety

15 Ways to Relieve Stress / Anxiety

Did you know that 70% of adults in the US say they feel stress or anxiety daily? Of course you do, because you’re most likely part of that 70% [...]

  • 1. Self-Care: too many of us neglect this area. It is important to carve out time for self- care. Keep agreements you make with yourself. Try to have at least one thing every day that is soothing, relaxing, or enjoyable. Anything from exercise, music, reading, social contact, contact with pets, art, writing, coloring etc. Your capacity to “be there” for others is diminished over time if you neglect your own needs. Is there a place where you feel the safe and calm? If so, make use of it. If not, design such a spot for yourself. Engage as many of your senses as you can in the relaxation. Lighting, visuals, sounds, aromas, etc. Don’t forget that care for the caregiver is important and compassion fatigue can happen to any of us. A related topic is sleep. Sleep deprivation impacts memory, mood, concentration, energy, and motivation. If you are not getting adequate sleep, explore areas that may improve it (e.g. sleep hygiene, reduce caffeine consumption, reduce alcohol use). 2. Boundaries: many people struggle with this and have a hard time saying no. If you decide to set and maintain boundaries, remember that you are not doing it to be mean. You are doing it because you have prior commitments to yourself or others; or you are doing it because you only have so much time and energy to use. Others may resist your efforts to set boundaries if they are not used to you doing that. Some may try to “guilt trip” you into overextending yourself. It is up to you whether to “take that trip on”. 3. Power: How much power do you want to give others over your emotional states? If someone treats you poorly, you have a couple of ways to interpret it: one is to assume it must be you, resulting in feeling depressed or “less than”. Another is to keep in mind that the other person’s behavior actually has more to do with them than it does you. Then you can work on deciding how much power you want to give them over your emotions. Some people do not deserve the kind of power you may have given them in the past. The same can be applied to events from the past. The goal is not to forget or to erase your memory, the goal is to reduce the amount of power the past event has over your present existence; to come to terms with it and allow space for other things in your life. (easier said than done, as it is a process). 4. Finding positive exceptions: life has its ups and downs for all of us. Even when things are not feeling all that positive, typically there are positive exceptions where it is not as overwhelming. It is important to recognize those, look for any patterns that coincide with positive exceptions (patterns may point to some solutions). Look for what brought those exceptions about and what helps to sustain them. The more positive exceptions you have, the less time there is for feeling overwhelmed. In short, regarding the positive exceptions: how did you pull that off? 5. Finding your strengths: things about you that are positive, things you are good at. Things about you that others appreciate. Give yourself credit for at least three things per day that you do that are positive. It provides a nice counterweight to any tendency to be self-critical.

5 Easy Self-Care Tips & Tricks

1. Self-Care: too many of us neglect this area. It is important to carve out time for self- care. Keep agreements you make with yourself. Try to have at [...]

  • Top 7 Meditation Apps of 2018

Top 7 Meditation Apps of 2018

The practice of mindfulness involves clearing your mind and deeply aware of yourself and your environment. There are various ways in which this can be achieved. Popular methods include [...]

  • The Problem With Annoyance in Relationships

The Problem With Annoyance in Relationships

Relationships often begin with lots of laughter, smiles, goofing around, and a general sense of lightheartedness. People don't call it the "honeymoon phase" for no reason. We can easily [...]

  • Secret Ingredient for Happy Couples

Secret Ingredient for Happy Couples

Originally Posted Through Psychology Today We have all met those couples who seem to be as in love as on the day they first met. Sometimes, when they are [...]

  • Money Matters In Marriage

Money Matters In Marriage

We know that money can be an awkward thing to talk about, even with your significant other. And while you may think that you can talk to your partner [...]

  • Subtle Signs of Depression

Subtle Signs of Depression

In light of the recent high profile deaths in the news, we though it would be wise to highlight some subtle signs of depression. If you or someone you [...]

  • Fighting with Your Partner? Watch This.

Fighting with Your Partner? Watch This.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This is what John and Julie Gottman call the types of fighting styles associated with bad relationships. If you and your partner fight [...]

  • Twenty Something? Listen Up!

Twenty Something? Listen Up!

Clinical Psychologist Meg Jay is our girl. She brings some realness to the age old axiom "30 is the new 20" by encouraging young adults to embrace your twenties [...]

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